Sunday 15 July 2012

Yet More Spiritual Books!!!

For the first time since starting blog have had total mental block trying to think of something to write about. My poor little brain empty of topics to discuss. One thing I thought could always discuss was my bargain finds at the local boot sale but even that failed me last week when it was rubbish and all I found was a bottle of bubble bath!!
Was not too confident for today as it was pouring down all day Saturday so despite the bright sunny Sunday morning didnt think there would be many sellers in case it rained again. How wrong I was place was packed. Got myself a number of books pictured above highlight being a large book on Zen Buddhism for 20p along with couple of audio books and a Gemstone you can just about see in the picture.
I have so many books now it reminds me of a episode of The Twilight Zone, this man loved nothing more to do than spend his days reading but work and his noisy wife always got in the way. He worked in a bank and was in the vault when a nuclear explosion destroyed the whole city. He surved leaving just him, lots of tinned food and the local library full of books. He had his whole life planned out to read all these books - then he broke his glasses!! On that note I say adios!!

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