Thursday 26 July 2012

Reiki Level 1

I have had 5 or 6 Reiki treatments, the first time I was persuaded to give it a try thou at back of my mind was thinking I much rather spend the money on a massage! How wrong I was, by end of the Reiki treatment I was so relaxed much more than a massage that when I got home had to lie down for couple of hours I was so tired.
I have been fascinated with Reiki for a long time and last week I did a Reiki level 1 course which explained the theory and during the day was given 4 attunements which were amazing, each time the energy I felt was amazing no words could explain and by the 4th I was so tired but in a good way. What I really loved about doing this course was the teaching was based on the original Japanesse method not the Western style which I personally believe made it more powerful.
After my final attunement I did a full treatment on the teacher and starting with a body scan was able to pick up something which again was wonderful for me feel that energy at work and doing the treatment on someone else feeling the energy flow through me was an amazing experience. The day ended with me having a short treatment and getting a certificate. That night was so relaxed slept for 10 hours!
Since then I have been doing Reiki on myself daily which has helped ease my daily stress and generally feel more at calm and at peace than before.
A brief summary of Reiki level 1
Reiki Level 1 begins with an initiation or attunement process.
This process opens you to the Reiki Healing Energy.
Once you are attuned to Reiki 1 you can then channel the Reiki Energy (Universal Life Force).
When I say channeling I mean bringing this light energy into your physical body and then being able to transfer this energy to others. The energy enters through the crown chakra, it then goes to the heart chakra and then out through your hands, via the palm chakras.
What is an initiation/attunement?
During the attunement process the Reiki Master helps you open your chakras so that you can receive Reiki and use this energy to heal yourself and others.
Reiki Level 1 is the first step. With Reiki 1 you can send healing energy to all living things.
You can help others to heal themselves.
Reiki to me feels like the ultimate Unconditional Love. It is very powerful. After the attunement things just seem clearer.
Through Reiki you can heal on all levels..Mind Body and Emotions. Physical, Emotional and Spiritual.
It is a hands on method of healing. You can also heal someone in their aura if they do not wish to be touched.

I am so glad I did this course and now hope to do Level 2 probably early next year.

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