Wednesday 4 July 2012

Do You Want To Know - The Secret!!

No im not going to sing the classic Beatles song dont panic! Im sure most of you will have heard if not read The Secret about sending positive thoughts out to the universe. I have plenty of time for the book, has many key points and I believe positive thinking can help. Unfortunatly for me I had not heard of this title when a friend gave me the DVD to watch, I had no idea what The Secret was, she gave no clues and I sat there  with pen and paper waiting to find out the key that would change my mind. After half the running time was spent with soundbites finally told the secret and im thinking is that it!!!
The big problem I have with the DVD is you are getting people who for example say they are in debt and the bills keep coming yet after finding out the secret the bills stopped !!!!!!!!!!! Ok positive thinking can help you deal with debt in a more positive frame of mind but it cant stop the bills - if only it could!!
The DVD is a very glossy 90 minute movie of soundbites but no substance at all. The book is very good and one of the best positive thinking books on the market.
Wasnt a good sign that the lady who let me borrow the DVD was always in debt and asking me for loans!!!! lol.
Do self- help books really work? Thats a whole other blog!!!! What do you think?

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