Thursday 19 July 2012

Body Chakras And Meditation.

I attempted meditation a few times with limited success until I attended a Chakra meditation class and since then I have developed so much spiritually thanks not only to being able to meditate but by understanding the chakras. By learning about the body chakras and what each one represented I could see which areas I needed to work on as one chakra especially was blocked which effected so much of my own life. Spending much time working on that chakra it has helped me overcome problems in my own life.
Its so very important to learn and work on your chakras, I attend the 8 week chakra meditation class each term and each meditation I get something new out of it.
Below I have copied a basic Chakra meditation which is ideal for beginners, there are many Chakra guided meditaton CDs worth listening to thou if you fortunate like me join a class as you cant beat a group atmosphere and being able to share your experiences.

Sit on the floor cross-legged, close your eyes, breathe slowly and steadily, focus your energy in the following chakras - starting with the root and silently say:

1 red ~ I am safe. Breathe ~
2 orange ~ I relate to others with ease. Breathe ~
3 yellow ~ I stand in my unique power. Breathe ~
... 4 green ~ I practice unconditional love and
non-judgment. Breathe ~
5 sky blue ~ I express my truth. Breathe ~
6 indigo blue ~ I see situations exactly as they are. Breathe ~
7 violet ~ I am connected to and cared for by the Divine all days in all ways. Breathe ~

This simple method can last as little as 10 minutes, or as long as you would like to focus on each chakra.
As you say each mantra, visualize the corresponding color in your mind and body as glowing, pure, bright, and enlarging.

Your energy field is constantly changing which is why it is so important to be aware of the state of all of your chakras. All chakras can be in balance and something can then cause a few to close or turn counter clockwise. Become familiar with each of these seven main chakras.

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