Thursday 26 July 2012

Sundays Bootsale.

Dont know where the time has gone this week, its now Thursday and only just getting around to writing about the boot sale! It was ideal weather hot and sunny and have never seen so many people selling stuff and bargain hunters.
Have decided instead of taking pictures of everything will just put on pics of items that were of special interest. Got a few of the usual books, cds etc but the highlight was from one seller whom I got a beautiful Native American ornament and a Russian doll both for fiver.
The sky Box didnt come with them!!!

Well its time to pack, tomorrow going camping for first time in my life both excited and nervous. Barefoot Festival 3 days of dancing and workshops in Leics. If you going say hello and buy me a drink!!!

Reiki Level 1

I have had 5 or 6 Reiki treatments, the first time I was persuaded to give it a try thou at back of my mind was thinking I much rather spend the money on a massage! How wrong I was, by end of the Reiki treatment I was so relaxed much more than a massage that when I got home had to lie down for couple of hours I was so tired.
I have been fascinated with Reiki for a long time and last week I did a Reiki level 1 course which explained the theory and during the day was given 4 attunements which were amazing, each time the energy I felt was amazing no words could explain and by the 4th I was so tired but in a good way. What I really loved about doing this course was the teaching was based on the original Japanesse method not the Western style which I personally believe made it more powerful.
After my final attunement I did a full treatment on the teacher and starting with a body scan was able to pick up something which again was wonderful for me feel that energy at work and doing the treatment on someone else feeling the energy flow through me was an amazing experience. The day ended with me having a short treatment and getting a certificate. That night was so relaxed slept for 10 hours!
Since then I have been doing Reiki on myself daily which has helped ease my daily stress and generally feel more at calm and at peace than before.
A brief summary of Reiki level 1
Reiki Level 1 begins with an initiation or attunement process.
This process opens you to the Reiki Healing Energy.
Once you are attuned to Reiki 1 you can then channel the Reiki Energy (Universal Life Force).
When I say channeling I mean bringing this light energy into your physical body and then being able to transfer this energy to others. The energy enters through the crown chakra, it then goes to the heart chakra and then out through your hands, via the palm chakras.
What is an initiation/attunement?
During the attunement process the Reiki Master helps you open your chakras so that you can receive Reiki and use this energy to heal yourself and others.
Reiki Level 1 is the first step. With Reiki 1 you can send healing energy to all living things.
You can help others to heal themselves.
Reiki to me feels like the ultimate Unconditional Love. It is very powerful. After the attunement things just seem clearer.
Through Reiki you can heal on all levels..Mind Body and Emotions. Physical, Emotional and Spiritual.
It is a hands on method of healing. You can also heal someone in their aura if they do not wish to be touched.

I am so glad I did this course and now hope to do Level 2 probably early next year.

Saturday 21 July 2012

Chakra Chart.

Following on from my Chakra blog here is a chart which is a very good reference guide to the body chakras.
Your body is in constant communication with you through various aches and ailments. Here is an interesting chakra chart which will highlight to you where there is emotional work to be done, which will in turn effect the physical healing process.

Thursday 19 July 2012

Body Chakras And Meditation.

I attempted meditation a few times with limited success until I attended a Chakra meditation class and since then I have developed so much spiritually thanks not only to being able to meditate but by understanding the chakras. By learning about the body chakras and what each one represented I could see which areas I needed to work on as one chakra especially was blocked which effected so much of my own life. Spending much time working on that chakra it has helped me overcome problems in my own life.
Its so very important to learn and work on your chakras, I attend the 8 week chakra meditation class each term and each meditation I get something new out of it.
Below I have copied a basic Chakra meditation which is ideal for beginners, there are many Chakra guided meditaton CDs worth listening to thou if you fortunate like me join a class as you cant beat a group atmosphere and being able to share your experiences.

Sit on the floor cross-legged, close your eyes, breathe slowly and steadily, focus your energy in the following chakras - starting with the root and silently say:

1 red ~ I am safe. Breathe ~
2 orange ~ I relate to others with ease. Breathe ~
3 yellow ~ I stand in my unique power. Breathe ~
... 4 green ~ I practice unconditional love and
non-judgment. Breathe ~
5 sky blue ~ I express my truth. Breathe ~
6 indigo blue ~ I see situations exactly as they are. Breathe ~
7 violet ~ I am connected to and cared for by the Divine all days in all ways. Breathe ~

This simple method can last as little as 10 minutes, or as long as you would like to focus on each chakra.
As you say each mantra, visualize the corresponding color in your mind and body as glowing, pure, bright, and enlarging.

Your energy field is constantly changing which is why it is so important to be aware of the state of all of your chakras. All chakras can be in balance and something can then cause a few to close or turn counter clockwise. Become familiar with each of these seven main chakras.

Monday 16 July 2012

My Dream Bookcase

As you will know from reading my blogs I love reading and have hundreds of books yet to read and running out of space fast. Have found pic of my ideal bookcase want to share with you. Anyone want to buy it for me!!

Sunday 15 July 2012

Yet More Spiritual Books!!!

For the first time since starting blog have had total mental block trying to think of something to write about. My poor little brain empty of topics to discuss. One thing I thought could always discuss was my bargain finds at the local boot sale but even that failed me last week when it was rubbish and all I found was a bottle of bubble bath!!
Was not too confident for today as it was pouring down all day Saturday so despite the bright sunny Sunday morning didnt think there would be many sellers in case it rained again. How wrong I was place was packed. Got myself a number of books pictured above highlight being a large book on Zen Buddhism for 20p along with couple of audio books and a Gemstone you can just about see in the picture.
I have so many books now it reminds me of a episode of The Twilight Zone, this man loved nothing more to do than spend his days reading but work and his noisy wife always got in the way. He worked in a bank and was in the vault when a nuclear explosion destroyed the whole city. He surved leaving just him, lots of tinned food and the local library full of books. He had his whole life planned out to read all these books - then he broke his glasses!! On that note I say adios!!

Thursday 5 July 2012

David Wells - Qabalah, Tree Of Life Workshop.

Some of you will know David wells, well known astrologer and past life therapist who has many articles published in spiritual magazines here in Britain. Last night I was fortunate enough to hear him give a talk about The Qabalah, something I know very little about. Here is a brief look at The Qabalah.

Qabalah (Kaballa, Cabala) is the cup that has carried the mystery teachings of many cultures (Persia, Rome, Greece, Egypt, India etc.) through to us today. Although also known as the esoteric wisdom of Israel, it is actually a synthesis of the best of the mystery teachings of the world.
There are three levels to most religions. The exoteric, orthodox level contains rules of behavior to be followed. The "middle" level is for those who want to know why they should or shouldn't things. It is for the thinkers. The third is the mystical level. This is for those who are not content to learn what to do or why, who are not satisfied to read about someone else's revelations, but who want to experience the absolute for themselves. Qabalah reveals the mystical aspect of Judism and Christianity. Similarly, the mystics in Islam are the Sufis.
Qabalah does not offer fixed ideas but rather is a training in new ways to think. The word Qabalah is from the root, Qabal, which means "to receive". Qabalah means "the reception" and the teachings are received by the ready pupil from one who is already more awakened. As the light received is extended, one receives more.
Qabalah teaches that there is only one great being, one self who is the whole universe. This One Being is all that was, is or will be. Qabalists are not content with an eternal dichotomy between divine and devil. They believe in one without a second. Who you are, is that same one. There is no "other".
The Qabalistic method is to give the pupil a series of related symbols for him to cogitate upon. As the inner relationship between the symbols becomes clear to him, he receives greater energy and experiences profound awakening. Through this process, his identity, his awareness shifts from seeming to be a personal being searching for greater truth to that of the One Being, currently enjoying being a human in time.
The basic teaching glyph of Qabalah is the Tree of Life. The 22 pathways connecting the ten spheres of the Tree of Life are the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet, represented graphically as the 22 major arcana of the Tarot. The Tree of Life is the "Rosetta Stone of the mysteries". It is a sorting system that reveals meaningful relationships between all phenomena. It is a "compendium of religion, science and philosophy". It is a roadmap of the path of return. Paracelsus went as far as to say that no one could expect to become wise without studying the Qabalah.

The actual talk lasted approx 100 minutes and was very interesting thou with so much detail as to how it works did find it case of information overload and found it hard to digest all the detail given. The talk ended with a lovely guided meditation which was wonderful. Afterwards there were drinks, cakes and a chance to meet David, a exellent evening.
This event was organised by Trying Hollistics who have frequent talks at Howard Hall, Letchworth, worth checking out if in this area.

Wednesday 4 July 2012

Amazing Tree Picture.

I was sent this picture a few weeks ago and fell in love with it. I have no idea where it was taken, soon as I saw it had to have it as my phone wallpaper. The picture is real, has not been doctored - amazing.

Do You Want To Know - The Secret!!

No im not going to sing the classic Beatles song dont panic! Im sure most of you will have heard if not read The Secret about sending positive thoughts out to the universe. I have plenty of time for the book, has many key points and I believe positive thinking can help. Unfortunatly for me I had not heard of this title when a friend gave me the DVD to watch, I had no idea what The Secret was, she gave no clues and I sat there  with pen and paper waiting to find out the key that would change my mind. After half the running time was spent with soundbites finally told the secret and im thinking is that it!!!
The big problem I have with the DVD is you are getting people who for example say they are in debt and the bills keep coming yet after finding out the secret the bills stopped !!!!!!!!!!! Ok positive thinking can help you deal with debt in a more positive frame of mind but it cant stop the bills - if only it could!!
The DVD is a very glossy 90 minute movie of soundbites but no substance at all. The book is very good and one of the best positive thinking books on the market.
Wasnt a good sign that the lady who let me borrow the DVD was always in debt and asking me for loans!!!! lol.
Do self- help books really work? Thats a whole other blog!!!! What do you think?

Tuesday 3 July 2012

New Month, New Boot Sale!

Thank you for everyone who has been following this blog since I started last week. Before I talk about the boot sale visited last Sunday want to thank all the readers from America and im wondering do you know what a car boot sale is? I know you have garage sales but are car boot sales a British thing? Put simply a garage sale one person will sell their unwanted items in the front yard, a boot sale loads of people will fill their cars and go to one location often a field to sell. On a warm dry day there can be over 100 diffrent sellers and for likes of me its wonderful! Last Sunday I left home at half 7 weather was bright and sunny and time I arrived which was when the sale offically opened already there were lots of people looking around. The key is to get there early to find the bargains before someone else does.
Just like the week before got some great deals which I have pictured below. As usual selection of books ( I do love my reading!) Haunted London DVD for £1, Half moon windchime for 50p, Lotus for £1, set of 3 Buddha wall plaques for £2, Meditation CD for 50p. Best bargain of all was from a trader selling animal design printed t-shirts imported from America. I have seen these for sale at Mind, Body and Soul fairs for 16.99, I picked these up 3 for £5.
If you looking for goodies get up early and visit a car boot sale  - just dont visit mine!!!

Sunday 1 July 2012

Psychic Sally - Hit The Road!!

I have seen a number of the top name mediums perform at our local theatre in Stevenage and the one I was most looking forward to was Psychic Sally after seeing her TV show - what a waste of money. Having paid £21.50 for a ticket to get to your seat you have to pass the merchandise stall where the hard sell was going on and on the screen before, intermission and after were images of all you can buy. Onto the show first 5 minutes were clips from the TV show, she then appeared for 25 minutes before lights went down telling her she had done minimum time aloud and there followed a 25 minute break. Second half on for 30 minutes before lights down and off she went. 55 minutes on stage what a con yet the place was sold out. In the next 6 months she will be at theatre twice more doing more small shows raking it in.
Compare that to like of TJ Higgs, sadly theatre was only half full yet she was on stage for over 2 hours simply as she was enjoying herself.
As for my opion as to wether Psychic Sally is getting information through the headset I can only think its possible. When I saw her all the messages were very vague yet right near the end message came through which was so spot on, so much information correct and all said in space of seconds. Did she get lucky or get some technical help!!!!
When the scandal broke she was advised to ditch the headset ( she only needs mic attached to top) but chose not to - makes me think what does she have to hide.
There are some top mediums out there both well known like Stockwell, Fry and Higgs and others not known that appear at Spiritualist churches but likes of Sally and Derek Acorah I personally believe sold out a long time ago.