Friday 29 June 2012

Bumper Crop At Boot Sale Last Week!

Some weeks I can go to the boot sale and get nothing or one item if im lucky, last week was the complete opposite. A lady I knew was going to be selling some items so asked her to put them to one side for me thinking be few books, instead it was a suitcase full of books, reiki  books, angel cards, positive thinking books etc and even a native American drum I have been after for ages. In the end bought lot and she let me have the suitcase to carry them home! Also 2 other stalls were selling lots of goodies including a Native American Insense holder so was best boot sale ever. Now have enough books last me for next 20 years!!!

Purpose Of Blog.

Ok now you have read about me the purpose of this blog is really to document my spiritually connected adventures. There will be no heavy quotes etc, only a light hearted report of my life. I love finding bargains especially books and why pay silly money for a book when you get pick them up for pennies at a boot sale. I do love finding spiritual items at boot sales and boot sale goodies will feature heavily!!!

How It All Begun

It was in the late 1990s I begun to have a very strong interest in Angels and started buying all the angel books and any related items I could find. A few years later I went to Shoal To Sole a fish pedicure treatment at Stevenage indoor market and got talking to the owner Sasha who soon became a very dear friend and we both discussed our love of angels. That led us going to spiritual churches together and on my very first visit had a very accurate psychic reading.
I would then go to the spiritual churches each week but combination of getting restless and poor mediums made me want to explore other areas of spirituality so soon after got into meditation. Had wonderful meditation experience at the Buddhist house in Letchworth and shortly after joined the Chakra meditation class run by Anita Marshall at Letchworth centre which really opened me up spiritually and its then the journey really begun.
Im not into this or that way of thinking I take what I think the best of everything way of thinking which sits right to me.
Most recently went on weekend retreat run by Brahma Kumaris which was amazing and the idea of Raja Yoga to find inner peace certainly has helped me.
Welcome to my spiritual journey - without a SatNav!!!

First attempt of doing blog!

Ok im probably the last person with a computer to start blog but thought better late than never! This is my attempt to write down my spiritual journey - wish me luck!!